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An Arctis Nova Pro Wireless gaming headset lays against an background of gold award badges. 
1st gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Headset Splurge" from tom's hardware. 
2nd gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming headset," from Dexerto.
3rd gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best high-end wirelesss gaming headset," from PC Gamer.
4th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Wired Gaming Headset," from Wired.
5th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Premium Gaming Headset," from Gamespot.
6th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming Headset," from IGN.
7th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: 10/10 Masterpiece," from IGN.
8th red badge with text reads: "Rolling Stone Audio Awards: 2023."
9th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming Headset," from Tom's Guide.
10th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: The Best PC Gaming Headset," from Tech Radar.
11th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Gaming Headset," from EuroGamer.
12th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Wired Xbox One Headset," from T3.
13th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Premium PC Gaming Headset," from Techradar.
14th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Gaming Headset," from Tom's Hardware. 
15th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless Xbox: Best Gaming Headset," from Rtings.
16th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Gaming Headset," Windows Central.

Arctis Nova-headsets
Prisbelønnet som ingen andre


Specialdesignede magnetiske neodymium-enheder bringer sprød hi-fi-lyd til en ultradetaljeret gamingoplevelse.

Gaming på flere platforme

Uanset om det er din PC, PlayStation, Xbox*, Switch, Meta Quest eller mobilenhed, kan du nemt oprette forbindelse til dit system for at få gaminglyd med lav forsinkelse.


Forbedr din lyd endnu mere med spilspecifikke forhåndsindstillinger, røntgenhøring og vores professionelle Parametric Equalizer, den første inden for gaming.

An Arctis Nova pro hoovering above the desk and gaming setup.

Båret af mestre

Arctis Nova Pro Wireless

Arctis Nova Pro Wireless hæver standarden for lydheadset med aktiv støjreduktion, magnetiske neodymium-enhed og ubegrænset dobbelt batteri.

An Arctis Nova pro hoovering above the desk and gaming setup.

Hi-Res Lyd

Arctis Nova Pro

Tag din kablede lyd et skridt videre med højopløst certificeret GameDAC Gen 2 med firedobbelt DAC for uovertruffen kvalitet og fordybelse.

Oplev røntgenhøring

Arctis Nova 7 Wireless

Hør et ultradetaljeret lydbillede med Arctis Nova 7's magnetiske neodymium-enheder. Bland frit spillyd og Bluetooth, mens du spiller.

An Arctis Nova 7 laying against a desktop setup.

Mere end 100 forhåndsindstillinger til spillyd lige ved hånden

Arctis Nova 5 Wireless

Lås op for mere end 100 forhåndsindstillinger for lyd til S5 og Xbox med Arctis Nova 5-ledsagerappen. Få episk lyd overalt med 60 timers batterilevetid.

An Image showing Arctis Nova 5 with phone and PS console in the background.

RGB i stil

Arctis Nova 3

For dig er stil og substans altafgørende. Fantastisk lyd, let, stilfuld og skinnende i enhver af de 16,8 millioner farvevalg, alle med en praktisk USB-C-forbindelse.

An image of Arctis Nova headset laying on the desk, accompanied with glowing keyboard and mouse.

Ultralet, almægtig lyd

Arctis Nova 1

Almægtig lyd er mere tilgængelig end nogensinde. Få uovertruffen kvalitet i et let, komfortabelt design med 3,5 mm kablet forbindelse for nem kompatibilitet.

Arctis Nova 1 laying on the desk accompanied with glowing keyboard and aerox mouse.


Flyv højere med Sonar Software

Hent Sonar til Windows for at forbedre din lyd og få adgang til en gratis pakke med forhåndsindstillinger for lyd til gaming plus lydmiksningsværktøjer til streamere.

Ethvert headset | Bluetooth | USB | Analog | 2,4 GHz trådløs

Software widgets from SteelSeries Sonar